I chose to use polyurethane over any other material and use a special manufacturing process for Force Fins for one main reason -- rebound, snap and recovery. When you are ready to investigate the design and materials used in Force Fin products, you are ready to understand how and why Force Fins are the most efficient fins on the market.

Polyurethane is an elastomer, a class of plastics designed to mimic the characteristics of rubber…. And then some. The special polyurethane formula used in Force Fins has been designed to maximize its SNAP. Some of us might remember it as a “super ball” effect. The energy that is put into flexing the material (as in kicking on the power or downward stoke) is stored then released as rebound energy. A kick with power and recovery is the most efficient, but Force Fin gives you even more. When the fin snaps back on the recovery or upstroke, water is thrown behind at a faster rate than you can kick any other fin through the water. Propulsion during the recovery is unique to Force Fin
Force Fins are one solid material so the energy applied and extracted are not loss or filtered out by having to go through different materials that are glued, fused, bonded, bolted or tied together. This is one reason that makes kicking Force Fins so naturally efficient.
We have received countless comments from customers explaining how natural the fins feel when kicking them. Their first impression is that the fins are not even on their feet. I talked to a research diver last week and he told me he uses Force Fins. His first impression was he jumped in the water and thought he was not going anywhere and almost started to panic when he looked to his side and saw that he was fast approaching the oil rig and understood his energy input to energy output in his new fins doubled.
Some of this is due to the patented open toe design and the upturned trailing edges, but it is the rebound or snap of the fin that releases a force of propulsive energy. It happens automatically on the recovery phase of a kick cycle in response to compression of the structure of material within the Force Fin blade. The structure is most apparent with the backside ribbing of the Excellerating Force Fin. During the recovery phase of your kick the recoil gives propulsion without any real energy input from the diver or swimmer.

To free your body, you must first free your mind. If you have been using other fins for sometime, then you should commit to dive Force Fins 3 or 4 times to allow any mental and physical conditioning your mind and body have built up over the years to fade away. Then you will be ready to welcome the freedom in using Force Fins.
Materials - Poly Who?
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